Friday, January 9, 2009

"I Am"

I am…what? How do I define myself? What do I add to the words "I am"? When I look into the mirror what is it that I see, or do I even dare to look closely enough to define what lives within my eyes? How do I change my life by adding simple words to my “I Am”? Can change really be that easy? The statement “I Am,” in its simplicity, is truly all one needs in life, because the power of saying “I Am” summons forth the incontrovertible truth of the marvel and wonder of your individual being.

Years ago, Grandmother, my favorite Guide in meditation, taught me to go within and face my “I Am.” It takes courage to face who you are and the beliefs you are based upon, but Grandmother also taught me not to fear my “I Am,” because it would always be in my power to either change or build upon what I would find inside.

Grandmother stressed that "All that I Am" is present at all times for others to see when they looked into my eyes. “You may be successful at hiding your self from yourself but your actions and life are living proof of what you are and what you believe,” she said. But Grandmother also stated that I would always be free to choose what I want to show to others in my eyes as long as I was willing to work for it. “Change comes upon demand,” she said.

In my journey of discovery Grandmother spoke to me about developing my pride and self esteem, and of showing it to others in my bearing and my eyes. I have spent a considerable amount of time working with my Guides in order to build my pride and self esteem, and I am careful to keep them in front of me so that I don't forget. Pride is crucial to our sense of well being for without pride we would never believe anything remotely encouraging about ourselves. I cannot claim the power of the “I Am” without having the pride to support who I am and where I come from.

In the lectures that I do I love to talk about the power of the “I Am” statements. Too often in my line of work (psychic readings) I hear people speaking of their barriers rather than of their strengths. The “I Am” statements are building blocks, cornerstones really, of strengths, beliefs, empowerment and pride. I look into my eyes and see my strengths. I look into my eyes and build upon the strengths I see by further empowering myself with encouraging “I Am” statements. I look into my eyes and see that I am beautiful for many reasons, none of them based upon the flesh or physical. I am able to look into my eyes without fear of what I will find. I am able to see the Spirit in my eyes and celebrate. I constantly encourage others to start the “I Am” habit, and practice it diligently in order to reap the benefits, because like everything else in this world the value we receive is comparable to the effort we expend.

"I am magnificent!" This I believe without a doubt as I have met my Magnificent Spirit Self in meditation…what a reason to celebrate!

"I am patient!" This I find myself saying quite often and then wonder why I have to…haha.

"I am powerful!" Grandmother, along with other Guides, have consistently shown this to me and helped me to believe it.

"I am blessed!" All I have to do is look inside of me to find this truth, and then I look to my outside life and realize I am doubly blessed.

Try your own “I Am” statements, filling them with words that resonate for you. Be diligent in saying them as often as you will, as often as you can. Love yourself for the “I AM” that you are.

Chris Burnett

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